Archive for February 25, 2016


Entertain Angels

Sometimes, I get weary from the everyday interactions. I mean, I’m all about people…but I’m also all about my alone time. Some quiet time. I’m not shutting my office door because I don’t like you, but I just need a few minutes to myself, to complete a thought, finish an email, recenter. I get kinda antsy, sometimes…when my mind is racing and I have a million things to do and my pager is going off and I’m getting a text...


Remember when we played Four Square in grade school? Remember when, if we didn’t like the outcome of the play, we screamed, “DO OVER!” Do. Over. Like…”Let me try that again, cause I know I can do it better”. Don’t judge me by that bad play. Reset. There is something about the “Do Over”. The Reset. A clean slate. There are times when our history, our experience, moves us forward, brings us opportunity, gives us credibility. And there are times...

Give, instead of Give Up

We made the kids go to church last night. We made them eat dinner early so we wouldn’t be late; we made Allie miss soccer practice; we made them sit in the “big service” with us; and we made them get soggy soot on their foreheads–“It feels weird,” Sam said. Why would we torture our poor children like this? Because it is Lent. And yesterday was Ash Wednesday. We made them Google “Ash Wednesday” so they would know why the heck we were...

Check, Circle, Done!

Tell me you do this, too. The checklist. The checkboxes. The “To Do List”.  When I feel overwhelmed (like today) with all I have to do (like everyday), I make a list. Because I derive intense satisfaction from crossing things off the list. Or X’ing out the boxes. Tell me you make boxes. You should make boxes. Sometimes I make boxes for things I have already done so I can put an X in the box. I learned about the...

What is this “work-life balance” that you speak of?

I’ve long since felt uneasy about this whole idea of work-life balance. I’m not quite sure what it means. Does it mean that work and life don’t bleed together? Does it mean we do work at work, and home at home, and never the two shall meet? Does it mean we think of only one or the other, but not both simultaneously? I’m really starting to believe that there isn’t balance, there just is. There isn’t a work me and a home me, there is...