Archive for May 31, 2016


Which moments matter?

So…the movers finally showed up. We kinda have a plethora of worldly possessions because #fourkids, #married18years, #ikeepthingsjustincase. In typical Hartwell fashion, we allowed NO buffer of time to close on each house, move, settle, and go on vacation. We reserved the beach house before I even had a start date for my new job. And when we got a full price offer on the old house, we couldn’t let it go just because they wanted to close two days before...

The Choice of Hope

We powered through rounds this morning, knowing we needed to see all of our patients and carry out most of the work of the day before 1pm, so we could turn our attention to the outpatient trauma clinic. My team did a great job, changing dressings, ordering tests, talking with families, writing notes. Folks who were ready to go home had discharge instructions written and prescriptions printed in record time. And our hard working intern even found the time to...

Please, don’t call me a soccer mom!

After surveying the situation; the arrangements for the weekend; the logistics; a review of the calendar, the weather, the finances, and a map, it was decided that I would be the one to take Allie and her teammate to the soccer tournament in Cincinnati this weekend while Scott stayed home with all of the boys. While it was tempting (for about 1.3 minutes) to get two hotel rooms and have the whole family come, one flashing thought of my two youngest sons sitting running around the...

Momma Connection

After I finished an operation yesterday, I went to speak to the patient’s mom. (Well, his dad and brother were there, too, but you know, us moms have the connection; I totally got the terrified look on her face, anxiously waiting to hear about her son.) He was fine. Some scrapes and bruises. Nothing that can’t heal up and get him ship shape in a matter of a few weeks. And….exhale. Momma relaxed. And so did I. We chatted for a minute,...

The Faces of Fear

Fear is an emotion that grows and matures with us. It starts with the monsters and the neighborhood bully, then becomes sitting the bench and never going to the dance. And when we are all grown up, it slithers around as failure and loss. It lurks around with many faces, changing with our moods and our location; the company we keep and the moments we are living in. Fear has faces.  Fear has a face…and it is called anxiety. That face spins my...