

How Did You Get Here?

I have a special and treasured relationship with my 87-year-old uncle. To most of the world, he’s Father Dennet, a Franciscan priest. But to our family, to me, he’s Uncle Joe. I don’t get to see him often, but he makes a point of calling me every few weeks. And I drop everything and take his call no matter what I’m doing. He’s not a stuffy priest. He is the most welcoming, accepting, kind man I know. He is the...

We Should Stop Asking This Question

Scroll back through your calendar or planner to 2015. Where were you? What were you doing? And if 2025-you asked 2015-you where you saw yourself, and what you wanted to be doing…are you doing it? My money is on…no. You are not. And that’s not a bad thing at all. I just think we are asking ourselves, and each other, the wrong question; dare I say, a dumb question. Recently, I have decided to stop asking myself and those who...

On The Record

Position Piece: A statement that outlines a position on a debatable issue. Persuasive Piece: A work written that tries to convince the reader of the writer’s opinion. Instructions to the reader: The following is a position piece. The reader is encouraged to consider the position as a way to understand better and appreciate the writer. To fully appreciate the piece, it is suggested that the reader refrain from attempts to argue the position presented. First: what I believe, my creed....


For weeks, I have been trying to get my thoughts together to write a blog. But my head has been swirling. I can’t seem to keep up, even with voracious reading and podcast listening. I am in the middle of three books, a dozen podcasts I follow religiously, a daily review of news sites, and a Netflix documentary series. It’s exhausting and there is so much coming at us. Emotions are high all around us with the US Election, the...

How Do We Respond?

It seems like hardly a day goes by that I don’t find myself shocked and saddened by yet another story on Christian Nationalism, a Supreme Court ruling, or the antics of Donald Trump. Through my (self-admitted) steady diet of social media, podcasts, and liberal-leaning news, I am always consuming another story about threats to democracy and the scary arc toward fascism. All too often, I find myself anxious and defensive. Just as so many do, I frequently want to respond...

Kindness is Free…

Are you tired? Cause I’m tired. Downright exhausted. A few minutes on social media is a wild ride of vitriol. A few minutes on the news provides enough horror and sadness to leave anyone depressed for days. And all of politics leaves me feeling nauseated. I’m not only exhausted by the overall content and tone of all of the attacks and comments, I am so deeply sad. Sad because the faith that I grew up with has been co-opted into...

If It Doesn’t Look Like Jesus…

I sat on the small sofa across from my therapist, a former pastor who left the church to become a counselor, and explained my heartache with organized religion and my experience with the church. The church we left had disappointed me with their response during COVID (holding large gatherings at the peak of the second wave and declining to encourage mask use); their refusal to allow women in leadership/pastoral roles; and their viewpoint on LGBTQ issues. Broader than that was...

‘Not Very Lady-Like’

“Dr. Hartwell…”, he said. “Your behavior yesterday was not very ‘lady-like'”. I heard those words nearly 15 years ago as a chief resident, from a senior (male) surgeon, the patriarch of the program, who had pulled me aside after an educational conference, specifically to reprimand me for comments I made the day prior, in defense of a junior resident who had been asked to perform duties outside of her scope of training. I admit that my frustration about the situation...

There Has to be a Better Way

Last week in Kansas City, what was supposed to be the celebration of the year for the Kansas City Chief’s Super Bowl win, turned deadly when gunfire erupted in a crowd estimated to be near one million revelers. One woman died and nearly two dozen people were injured, many of them children. Our city, indeed our nation and the world, were shocked and horrified. 800 armed officers on the scene couldn’t stop this tragedy. Lives will forever be changed by...

Based On Your Depression

“Our decision is based on your depression.” I can’t say I was surprised, but I was disappointed and saddened to read these words in a rejection letter for the supplemental disability insurance policy I applied for through my workplace. In January of 2023, I went for a routine physical exam with my new primary care doctor, and I screened positive for depression. After discussing my options with her, we decided that a low-dose SSRI in combination with high-quality therapy would...