

How Did You Get Here?

I have a special and treasured relationship with my 87-year-old uncle. To most of the world, he’s Father Dennet, a Franciscan priest. But to our family, to me, he’s Uncle Joe. I don’t get to see him often, but he makes a point of calling me every few weeks. And I drop everything and take his call no matter what I’m doing. He’s not a stuffy priest. He is the most welcoming, accepting, kind man I know. He is the...

On The Record

Position Piece: A statement that outlines a position on a debatable issue. Persuasive Piece: A work written that tries to convince the reader of the writer’s opinion. Instructions to the reader: The following is a position piece. The reader is encouraged to consider the position as a way to understand better and appreciate the writer. To fully appreciate the piece, it is suggested that the reader refrain from attempts to argue the position presented. First: what I believe, my creed....

How Do We Respond?

It seems like hardly a day goes by that I don’t find myself shocked and saddened by yet another story on Christian Nationalism, a Supreme Court ruling, or the antics of Donald Trump. Through my (self-admitted) steady diet of social media, podcasts, and liberal-leaning news, I am always consuming another story about threats to democracy and the scary arc toward fascism. All too often, I find myself anxious and defensive. Just as so many do, I frequently want to respond...

Kindness is Free…

Are you tired? Cause I’m tired. Downright exhausted. A few minutes on social media is a wild ride of vitriol. A few minutes on the news provides enough horror and sadness to leave anyone depressed for days. And all of politics leaves me feeling nauseated. I’m not only exhausted by the overall content and tone of all of the attacks and comments, I am so deeply sad. Sad because the faith that I grew up with has been co-opted into...

If It Doesn’t Look Like Jesus…

I sat on the small sofa across from my therapist, a former pastor who left the church to become a counselor, and explained my heartache with organized religion and my experience with the church. The church we left had disappointed me with their response during COVID (holding large gatherings at the peak of the second wave and declining to encourage mask use); their refusal to allow women in leadership/pastoral roles; and their viewpoint on LGBTQ issues. Broader than that was...

A Christian Nation?

So here’s my hot take: As a Christian, I don’t believe America is a Christian nation, nor do I want it to be one. Christian Nationalism is a threat to democracy and is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus. There is a lot to unpack here! So let’s take it one bite at a time. “As a Christian” What does it even mean to be a Christian? This is a question I have been significantly wrestling with recently. The term...

Detangle: Part 10: Listen to What They DON’T Say

I am trying to be open minded, and humble enough to listen to disparate views, but if I am honest, I am just plain curious. So, I have been tuning into the sermons from the church we left in Indiana; left partly because we found ourselves questioning, frustrated, and even hurt by what we were hearing, and partly because I took a new job hundreds of miles away. Anyway, I’m in the midst of listening to a series on “deconstruction“....

SCOTUS Wrote a Blank Check

This week, The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down two decisions that synergistically amount to a blank check to legalize discrimination and embolden divisiveness and hatred in the name of religion. In 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis the court ruled in favor of a Christian woman who claimed her religious convictions would be violated if she had to develop a website for a gay couple. Of note, this case was based on a hypothetical gay couple. This...

Detangle: Part 9: Rest For Weary Souls (quick read!)

Matthew 11:28-30 (AMP) 28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation]. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.” For years I have read these verses and considered them as some kind of personal promise...

Detangle: Part 8: From Perplexity to Harmony

Alright y’all, welcome back to my crazy little brain. Yesterday, my dad sent me a podcast about the Four Stages of Faith. It’s worth a listen. If you don’t have time, check out this great summary chart. The Four Stages of Faith are simplicity, complexity, perplexity, and harmony. Author Brian McLaren obviously knows there are a lot of us doing this deconstruction/detangle thing. And it’s bewildering. His framework helps me see that I am normal, this is a process, and...