That anxious and twitchy feeling in my gut. A little like nausea. Butterflies. Nervousness. Whatever you call it…you know what I am talking about. It’s fear. It’s anger. Shame. Depression. All balled up inside me. Longing for peace. Trying harder to be perfect. Doing more. Thinking more. Reflecting more. It’s useless.
The suffering we live in, that we inflict on ourselves, cannot be cured by ourselves. In our broken hearts and minds, we can try all we want to overcome these feelings, but we will never find the perfect peace we are searching for without Jesus.
“Surely he took up our pain, and bore our suffering…the punishment that brought us peace was on him.” Isaiah 53:4-5
Surrender to the hope we have in our newborn Savior, who came not to model to us how to try harder, but to take on all of our suffering and leave us with perfect peace. Revel in the irony. Soak up the undeserved love. His hope, his peace, is beyond anything we can create for ourselves.